Alcoholism is probably the most common disease related to addiction in Poland. It is estimated that in Poland, not even hundreds of thousands of people struggle with this problem, but probably millions. Where is alcoholism treated? However, very few of these people find help in alcohol addiction treatment centres. Alcoholism does not have to be such a form of alcoholism, when a person turns into the proverbial bum.
There is a very large group of functioning alcoholics who somehow cope with life up to a certain point, which does not change the fact that they struggle with the problem of addiction. Of course, many people are aware that they are addicted, but as long as they function somehow and no one suspects them of, for example, addiction, they try to hide this problem, if only because, for example, going to therapy may be discovered, which is not desired by such people. We will consider how we can treat people addicted to alcohol.
Various types of alcoholism treatment
At the very beginning, we will tell ourselves that in order to effectively cure any addiction, including alcoholism, it must really be the decision of the addicted person. Compulsory therapies usually do not bring the expected results, or in other words, they do, but in a fairly small percentage of cases. A very good example of the fact that the treatment of alcoholism of one’s own free will is effective are the successes of such groups as AA groups, when, of course, each person who joins such a group starts attending meetings, does it of his own free will and then effective alcoholism treatment.
Treating alcoholics in a forced way, for example in a closed alcoholism treatment center, is not an effective method, although sometimes there is no other choice if the alcoholic is already addicted to such an extent that he actually endangers himself, his family and, in fact, his entire environment. Sometimes there’s just no way out. Compulsory treatment in a closed alcohol addiction treatment center can be tried, but a court judgment must be issued for this purpose.
As we mentioned, there are various types of centers in Poland where you can go and try to recover from alcoholism. These include both private alcoholism treatment centers and state-run centers. Of course, this method does not always work and is effective, in some cases you just have to go or be referred to a center for people addicted to alcohol. Such centers are divided into long-term alcohol addiction treatment centers and short-term centers.
First of all, when we find ourselves in such a center, we will have to undergo alcohol detoxification and count on the Esperal insertion . In some cases, this is a very difficult process, and sometimes even health-threatening, so it is good to do it in the center, because then we are under constant medical supervision. It can be a private alcohol addiction treatment center or a public one. The procedures in them are the same. It happens that simply during detox, patients need to be given various types of other drugs or substances that will be able to replace alcohol in order for the body to cleanse itself of alcohol.
Can we forcibly treat people addicted to alcohol?
Now let’s talk about the subject of compulsory treatment, because in Poland some people are directed to such therapies. An alcoholic who drinks pathologically is a person who, as we mentioned, may endanger himself, his family or other people. Most often, it threatens in such a way that, above all, I have no control over my finances. Let’s imagine a situation where in a marriage one of the people drinks pathologically and all the time has access to a joint account and to joint money.
In addition, he is able to spend any amount of money on alcohol. This, of course, threatens the functioning of the whole family. In such a situation, in order to save a marriage or try to save a marriage, we can submit a special application to the Commune Office in which we live to refer such a person to compulsory treatment for alcoholism. The commune submits an application to the court on our behalf, and the District Court may issue a judgment that will allow such treatment to be carried out.
Why is alcoholism treatment not always effective?
Many people who recover from alcoholism relapse into alcoholism. This does not always happen right after the therapy is over or Esperal stops working . This continues for many years even after we have stopped drinking. There are many reasons for this, but as one of the most important, many specialists mention the availability of alcohol and our cultural approach to alcohol in Poland.
In Poland, we drink always and almost on every occasion. Non-drinkers are treated as freaks or are always suspected in advance that they apparently have a problem with alcohol. Of course, this changes over time, but these changes are quite slow and most often in Poland, there are more people with alcohol problems than there are fewer.